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Hidden Consequences of DUI

Work Directly With An Attorney Backed by Thousands of Victories and Over 20 Years of Experience

If you have recently been charged with a DUI in California, you have likely heard the same circle of consequences: possible jail time, hefty fines, and losing your license. You could face a few lesser-known consequences if you are convicted of a DUI. In this blog, our Ventura DUI attorney has compiled a list of some other consequences and complications you could face after a DUI conviction.


When you are convicted of a DUI, it is considered a criminal offense and some countries are extremely strict on whether they allow convicted criminals into their country. For example, Canada gives their border patrol complete discretion for allowing foreign nationals who have been convicted of DUI into the country. Even if you have no plans to drive in the country, you could be turned away at the border for your DUI conviction. In addition to being completely barred from entering a country, you could also be delayed at customs when you are leaving or re-entering the United States while traveling.


There are many ways a DUI conviction could affect your career. If your chosen career pathway involves the military, you could be discharged from your post or be denied from advancing further. When you are searching for another job, your criminal record will show up on any background check, and you will have to check the ‘Yes’ box for any past criminal convictions. Many employers screen out anyone because they have a criminal past, which means being hired for a stable job will be extremely difficult. If you are convicted of a DUI as a doctor or a dentist, your professional license could be suspended until you have completed a rehabilitation program.


In addition to affecting your travel and work life, your DUI conviction could affect your ability to buy or rent a home. When you apply for a home loan, you are required to notify the lender whether or not you have a criminal background; some lenders may increase the interest rates on their offered loans making it more difficult to purchase a home affordably. You may also struggle to rent an apartment as some property owners, and management companies could consider you a high-risk tenant and deny your application to rent.

DUI Charges Are Serious

If you are facing a DUI conviction in California, it is extremely important you take these charges seriously. As you now know from the list above, a DUI conviction can have lasting consequences on your life, which is why retaining an experienced Ventura DUI attorney can help you get the outcome you need to move forward with your life.

Call to schedule a free initial consultation today.
